How to cook cheese without any waste
By Florence-Léa Siry from Chic Frigo Sans Fric
Shopping tips
Several stores at your favourite market sell an impressive variety of bulk cheese. Buying it in bulk gives you the advantage of buying only what you need, reducing the likelihood of spoilage. You can also try it before you buy it: just ask for a sample at the cheese counter of your favourite market. This way, you’ll be happy with your purchase and won’t let it go to waste.
Conservation tips
Did you know that you can freeze cheese instead of tossing it out? Fresh cheese, bricks, cottage… it’s all good! Since frozen cheese becomes more crumbly, it’s good to keep for gratins, sauces and fondues—heart-warming treats when it’s cold outside! The upside is that it’s more cost-effective than buying bags of grated cheese.
Have you thought about keeping your cheese in oil? It’s twice as nice! First, cheeses such as goat, feta and cow can be enhanced by adding seasonings to the oil. Use red pepper flakes, spices and herbs lingering in the bottom of your spice jars… and these oil-marinated cheeses will be divine to serve as an aperitif! Parmesan crusts and dried cheddar chunks are also delicious in oil and make a great base for salad dressing. A great way to add a touch of class to your plate.
Eating tips
If you don’t like finding forgotten, dried-up cheese in the fridge a few days or weeks after you bought it, keep it in a large airtight dish or a covered plate.
Wondering what to do with dried cheese? Don’t toss it out! Grate it finely and sprinkle it on your dishes, salads and even desserts for added texture and taste.
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