Zero Waste Meat and Poultry
By Florence-Léa Siry from Chic Frigo Sans Fric
With the return of hot summer weather, it’s time to get out the barbecue and start grilling! We often get into a rut with how we prepare and cook our meat and poultry, but this summer, add a touch of zero waste to vary your recipes and to do small simple things for the planet.
Buying Tips
Do you like chicken? Buying a whole chicken is much more economic than buying deboned pieces sold separately. You can make several meals with a whole chicken, depending, of course, on the number of mouths to fill. First, you can use the breasts to make fajitas. Then, when you cook the legs, use the surplus to make a sauce for vol-au-vent. You can boil the carcass to make a delicious broth, without throwing away the fat. It can be used as a substitute for other fats in your recipes. And you can make “bacon” with the chicken skin by grilling it in the oven. Then you can crumble it over a salad to add texture and flavour.
Conservation Tips
Meat and poultry will keep for three to five days after purchase. If you still haven’t cooked it after three days, freeze it, even if you have planned to use it in a few days. That way, you know that it will still be good.
Meat and poultry can remain in the freezer for up to six months, so you can divide it into portions to freeze to always have some on hand. To save time, add marinade and seasonings to the container before freezing. Then you just have to thaw it out and cook it when you’re in a hurry.
Zero Waste Tips
If you ask your butcher to debone your meat, take the bones home to make broth.
Broth Recipe: cover the carcass with water, seasoning (seasoning and herbs) and wilted vegetables. Simmer the broth for about 30 minutes before filtering it.
Don’t forget to keep the cooking fat or broth as a substitute for butter or oil in your recipes. There’s nothing like a dish of pasta cooked in fat or cooking juices to enhance the flavour and add style to your meal.
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