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Les Marchés Publics de Montréal
Origin : Québec

Hercule de Charlevoix

All products |  Cheese and dairy products

Hercule de Charlevoix, Fromages et produits laitiers
Produced in 12 kg wheels by la Laiterie Charlevoix, l'Hercule is a typical hard cheese. The milk is supplied by the herd of Jerseys at the StessiFarm, a short distance from the cheese dairy. The raw cheese is cooked, pressed and non-surface refined for a long period. Refining takes between 6 and 18 months. Fat content is 34 % and moisture 35 %. The body is dark yellow, hard and granulated, and tender in mouth. Texture improves with age, and taste develops without bitterness.

Product Availability

Availability : Disponible à l’année

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