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Les Marchés Publics de Montréal
Origin : Québec

Organic McIntosh

All products |  Fruits and vegetables

Organic McIntosh, Fruits et légumes
The McIntosh or McIntosh Red (colloquially the Mac) is an apple cultivar. The fruit has red and green skin, a tart flavour, and tender white flesh, and ripens in late September. Once the most popular cultivar in Eastern Canada and New England, the McIntosh is well known for the pink apple sauce the unpeeled fruit make. It is also well-suited for cider and pies. Apple Inc. employee Jef Raskin named the Macintosh line of personal computers after the fruit.

Product Availability

Availability : Disponible à l’année

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    Sapins Christian MaroisPure HorticultureVerger Cournoyer
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